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Getting in touch


4th Floor, 2 Savoy Court

WC2R 0EZ London

United Kingdom

+44 (0)20 7806 1610


  • Active since 2008
  • 21 - 50 employees

We’re a global search firm with a relentless passion for people.

We help leaders shape the future of their businesses by delivering solutions that complement their culture and their ambition.

We don’t just say we’re different, we behave different. We bring the right people into our business to help you find the right people for your business. Grounded by our commitment, resilience and transparency, we don’t drag our feet when it comes to delivering transformational results.

We work hard, and we listen, challenge and communicate honestly. We believe that great leaders are the key to building a fair and sustainable world. It’s our job to find those great leaders.

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